Thursday, November 6, 2008

O yeah one more

Ok everyone, my task is done, before that, when you open my blog don't forget to give my baby some food ok......., but dont give any shit...... 

O yeah one more

mY COMMENT, from reading book

I totally agree with what the reading book said in page 5, yeah everyone can make the blog. They need a course for writing, not writing in profesional way???!!! So What....., Blog it is the same like your online diary, no pressure, feel free to write, even to leave an opinion about something. Probably government feel envy, because they can't really write like bloggers did. HA...HA.. are u agree???

Anyway, bloggers need to know some basic stuff, for write a blog, just to make them not confused, like when they are reluctant to show their blog, probably have something secret, so bloggers need to know how to make it private or anonymously. even some log can be tracked down and arrested. 

Some countries, for example China can't really create a blog and send it their opinion, this because of the censorship holds sway or Burma. So yeah this is not really good for them, but this is the government choices, we can really say anything about that, only the citizens in there can change it.

So what do you think? 

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Citizen Journalism version 1

OMG, have u heard about citizen journalism before???
If your answer no,  no worries, i'll give the explanation of that.

Citizen Journalism what is it? for me there is no simple definition of what constitutes citizen journalism. i guess it like the act of citizens to give their opinion about anything from the media.
So how does citizen journalism?
It can be us, which is usually become an audience, have you never heard about news from radio, television, magazine. newspaper or even conversation about Obama become the president of US, wowwww, never realize that...

the easiest example when you become citizens journalism, when you look at most mainstream websites, you find the places where people can make contributions are right on the fringes."

Doing citizen journalism right means crafting a crew of correspondents who are typically excluded from or misrepresented by local television news, such as low income women, minorities people and teenager, the very demographic and lifestyle groups who just having minimum access for the media and that advertisers don't want.

So yeah even we don't really want to giving an idea to put in the newspaper or magazine, we can write our idea in social network, and our friends will giving a comment for us, and we never know if our opinion will be attract another audience. it's your opinion.

So yeah guys, feel free for your opinion, it's your choice


This the video, watch it


Such A nice day, even its not

Hi everyone, i never realize this is already week 3, and i haven't start my Blog, wow...woww....wowww.., clap your hand guys....( weird). So i decided to start it now, but im start to thinking..again, and again and arghhhhhhhhhh im stuck no IDEA.

BUT, before im start to make a blog about citizen journalism, i want everyone look at this video, this is such a  video, which touch your emotions, i love it so much. Janice you need to watch it too, and leave your comment, dont forget to prepare a lot of napkins.